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Something New for You to Try!

Writer: Amanda WaisAmanda Wais

Hi there!

Oh, I have so much to say, but I'll start with the most important thing.

You are a human just like me. Just like your neighbor. Just like someone across the world that you don't even know.

We are all humans on this planet.

When I remember to say Braeden's prayers with him at night, the last thing we say is: "And please bless everyone in the whole world, so we may remember we are all connected and do our best to open our hearts to each other and ourselves."

Okay, I did not plan on writing that, but there you have it. Our personal prayer exposed. Read it again before you move on.


Next up, I have some advice for you.

I'm not sharing this because I think you need to change. I'm sharing this because my life changed dramatically in the last few months, and one reason is that I decided to try something new.

While moving to a new town, getting a new job, finding new places to adventure, starting a new business, taking new classes and so on, I adopted a mantra.

Can you guess it?

Try something NEW!

Every. Single. Day!

You don't have to uproot your life to start or continue this process, but who knows, you just might decide that's what's next.

About a year ago, I felt like I was in a rut, so I decided to try new things. Find a new shortcut through the woods. Take a new class (I took my first class in decades less than a year ago, and now I am ALWAYS in a new class, and I love it!). Try a different recipe. Reach out to someone I haven't talked to in years just to say hello. Buy a new kind of underwear. Haha!

It didn't seem to matter what the "new" thing was. What I was doing was retraining my brain. I got it out of the old rutty patterns and turned the "try something new today" neurological pathway (I love neuroscience!) from a deer path barely visible in the woods into a super highway.

Now I am used to doing new things each day, and the new things get bigger (like moving, getting a new job, etc.) and more difficult (like traveling to LA by myself, deciding to write other people's books, etc.)

And do you know what?

I absolutely love it!!!

When something new is thrown at me, I no longer panic (in most cases. Ha!) I just take it for what it is: something new and different.

So, my advice, as promised:


Try it today! Try it tomorrow! Try it forever and ever!

You are not too old, too young, too stuck, too anything to do this. In fact, if you think you are too anything, trying this will show you that you are not.

Though you might not like everything new you try, at least you know. "I guess that cereal, that trail or those underwear are not for me," you will find yourself saying. But you have proved it to yourself. You have an educated opinion. And that, in my mind, is also priceless.

I dare you to do this!

Either you'll have to get the rust off your "trying new things" gears or you'll realized it's time to take it to the next level. No matter where you are, I bet this shift in your mind will help keep you younger, more curious, more adaptable and more comfortable no matter where you are.

And who doesn't want that???

Thanks for reading. Life can really be exciting when you believe in yourself and give it your best.

Next up!

I have to tell you about some guilt I had.

It was about leaving the harbor and still running a business called "Copper Harbor Vitality."

When I started this brand in 2017, I used the name Copper Harbor because, well, that's where I lived and that was mostly what I wrote and videoed about. But when I picked the word Vitality to go with it, I tried to choose a word that perfectly described the feeling you have in your bones when you experience the greatest force of life flowing through your body.

That my friend, is vitality.

I was able to find the meaning of this word while living in Copper Harbor. And many, many people learn what this word means when they live near or visit Lake Superior.

There is just something about that lake, you know. She brings peace to your soul and inspires you at the same time. That is a recipe for vitality.

So when I moved away from the harbor, the place I learned what this word really meant by experiencing first hand, I had to realize that I was not cheating you.

I was not cheatiing anyone. I learned a priceless skill: how to find and feel this vitality.

I'm sure you know what it feels like when you visit the shore also. But, the thing is, you can find this in many different ways in many parts of the world. People don't only feel this in Copper Harbor. It's everywhere and in many things, people or places.

You just have to find what works for you.

So I will take this vitality with me wherever I go to the best of my ability.

And now that I don't actually live there, you will see a shift in the topics of these blogs and podcasts. I may not be able to give you an autumn leaf report, nor do I want to. Other sites do that.

I won't be visiting the same trails and shores, but I have new ones to explore.

And in the podcast realm -- and you have probably already thought of this -- I'm going to run out of people to interview in Copper Harbor! Approximately 100 adults live there. I've done over 40 episodes and 20% of the people I ask to interview decline.

So it's time you get used to a branching out anyway.

Besides. It's always fun to try something new! Wink wink!

As my ties to the harbor wane, some of my readers will too. But do you know what I realized about you? And it honestly brings tears to my eyes (you can ask Esa. I cried about it.)

You really care about us.

You do!

You don't just come here for a leaf report or to see our latest adventure or to get the scoop on Copper Harbor. You are honestly interested in what I have to say about life and how our little family is navigating it.

That makes my heart smile because that is exactly what I want to do.

As you continue with us on this journey, you will see some cool shifts, adventures, revelations and so on.

Just know that by following our journey, you are also strengthening your kindness, connection and community neurological pathways.

Just one more thing you'll never regret.

Here's an action shot of B and I on one of our new biking trails. It's perfect for him to keep learning on!

And if you are curious about the Copper Harbor cemetery, make sure to check out our latest interview with the lovely and talented Miss Kay. She does a lot for the town. If you see her, tell her how amazing you think she is! Thanks!

Remember, you are quite awesome yourself. Thanks for being you! Nobody else can do that. Wink!


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